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ADVerTisement Available (Contact : andik.kurniawan@ymail.com)
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Posted by Andik on Kamis, Mei 07, 2009 , under | komentar (0)

Job Description: Technical Officer for Information Technology &
Knowledge Management
Job category 3: “Senior Administrative / Technical Staff”
Incumbent: Vacant
Project: Policy Advice for Environment and Climate Change (PAKLIM)
Project number: 2007.2134.0-001.00
Period of Contract: 01.06.2009 – 31.12.2009
Duty Station: Jakarta

A. Responsibilities
The incumbent is responsible for the
 Maintenance and manage the design and development of information technology and
management systems
 Provision of technical assistance to projects/programs in IT and database
 Develop and Maintenance the Knowledge Management Platform within the project
 Support the implementation and the process of Impact Oriented Management System
in the project.
Within this context, s/he fulfils the following tasks:
B. Tasks
(I) Technical equipments, maintenances;
Hardware related Tasks
 Ensure all hardware is up to date with standards set by GTZ head office, including
laptops, servers, and all desktop computers
 Maintain PC, notebook, printer, digital camera, scanner and other hardware
 Consult with the Principle Advisor, Senior Advisor and Office Manager with regard to
new or improvement of certain systems and networks; test new hardware and give
recommendations for the purchase of new systems, including the upgrading of
existing systems and all relevant items pertaining to network and PCs
 Give recommendations purchase of IT equipments.
 Manage the reparation of PCs in PAKLIM in case a PC breaks down.
Software related tasks
 Support all software packages used at the GTZ (e.g. APS, AMS, MS Office,
WinPACCS, SAP) and all software needed by PAKLIM Projects
 Test new or upgraded software systems and update all software to the latest versions
 Ensure that every single PC in PAKLIM is protected by current Anti-Virus and the
anti-virus software is updated periodically by the user.
 Ensure that there are regular backups by the user for PAKLIM’s data/documents at
least once a month.
 Be informed about useful software/hardware for the PAKLIM offices and recommend
useful solutions in any technical problems that occur.
 Assure that every PC in PAKLIM is protected by a password and every single
password used in PAKLIM is documented and kept in a safe place.
 Assure that every PC in PAKLIM is maintained regularly by the user, in terms of;
• the performance of the PC (Scan Disc & Disk Defragmenter, Virus Scans etc.)
• Necessary up grades (RAM, Hard Disk etc.).

(II) Network (LAN)
1. Develop and administer the Local Area Network (LAN) system in PAKLIM Office.
2. Manage the Internet connection bandwidth using “MIKROTIK”
3. Maintain PAKLIM server
4. Maintain the ‘shared folders and printer’ as the administrator of the network.
5. Handle the user-authorization in the network.
6. Handle problems regarding the network.
7. Give and collect recommendations to improve the network (in technical terms and in
regard of the usage).
8. Confer with vendors to guarantee maintenance of network, Internet Provider, PABX
and computer equipment.
(III) Webpage, Internet & related task
1. Supervise the development of innovative web-based design application & content
management for PAKLIM homepage.
2. Maintain and up date existing PAKLIM homepage regularly as the administrator in
cooperation with responsible person assigned for specifics topics.
3. Maintained PAKLIM Intranet including all the “Interactive Tools” as the administrator.
4. Coordinate with the Principal Advisor and PAKLIM members on necessary
adjustments to the homepage
5. Handle the user-authorization in the Intranet.
6. Handle problems regarding PAKLIM homepage as an administrator.
7. Handle correspondences regarding the webpage.
8. Give and collect recommendations how to improve PAKLIM homepage.
9. Provide All PAKLIM Members with e-mail address.
10. Maintained the problem regarding internet connection.
(IV) General Services
 Install, manage and maintain the general administration of the entire information
 Handle troubleshooting and solving of all computer and internet related problems,
prepare information needed.
 Give advisory assistance to projects in matters that concern electronic data
 Keep an inventory of hard and software and up-date list as soon as changes occur
 Define the alternative possible tools to share database and information through web
 Any other IT & Database task requested accordance with qualification.
C. Other Duties/Additional Tasks
 Develop the Knowledge Management platform for sharing information among
 Assure that all PAKLIM documentation is secure and well documented and can be
access by PAKLIM member
 Assure that the GTZ Cooperate design are implement in all PAKLIM’s publication and
 Support for Impact Monitoring
» Involved in the process of collecting and input data for Impact Monitoring
» Involved in the process of development monitoring templates and forms
D. Required Entry Qualifications and Competencies
Formal Education
 College or University degree
Professional Experience
 Minimum of 3 - 5 years of relevant occupational experience
Other Qualifications
 Good working knowledge of computer programs
 Good Management Information System and database skills
 Good Understanding of Knowledge Management
 Have a knowledge on Impact Oriented Management System
 Language skills (English)

Interested candidate should
submit the application letter and updated CV to Mrs. Lestira at Lestira.Mendur@ gtz.de by
the latest on 10.05.2009.

Good Luck Guys!


Posted by Andik on Rabu, Mei 06, 2009 , under | komentar (0)

Berikut Admin tayangkan salah satu email yang masuk ke meja redaksi menyangkut lowongan kerja, email tertanggal 5 Mei 2009 4:49 PM.

Perusahaan kami yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan hasil laut membutuhkan beberapa "QC Crab" dengan kriteria sbb :
- S1 Teknologi Pangan, IP min. 2,75
- Laki-laki
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang HACCP / Food Safety
- Mau bekerja keras dan teliti

CV dan surat lamaran dikirimkan ke :
HRD Department
PT. Bumi Menara Internusa
Jl. Margomulyo 4E, Surabaya
Telp. 031-7491000
E-mail : con.irna@ptbmi.com

Irna Farhani
HRD Department
PT. Bumi Menara Internusa

Saya Terima Nikah dan Kawinnya part 1

Posted by Andik on Senin, April 27, 2009 , under , | komentar (1)

Maka hari Minggu 26 April 2009 itu datang juga..
1 malam sebelumnya
Cuaca begitu sumuk petang itu, 25 April 2009, dan jam kikuk di dinding berdentang 6 kali. Tertunduk lesu di pojokan ruang tamu, yang namanya menanti selalu menjemukan. Ditemani sinteron termehek-mehek yang makin geje aku menanti datangnya beberapa teman-teman IATIP untuk ke rumah. KAtanya malam ini peserta tur ke probolinggo harus sudah fix. 10 menit ..20 menit..30 menit kemudian terdengar suara motor parkir di depan rumah. AHH..itu pasti mereka
Dan benar saja ketika kubuka pintu rumah, wajah Tri yang kondang dengan jenggot layaknya Ridho Rhoma itu menyapa "Assalamualaikum". Kupersilahkan dia untuk masuk dan menunggu di dalam.Sambil menunggu yang lain kamipun bercerita panjang x lebar x tinggi mengenai LImited, PNS, dan Jobseeker.
Lagi-lagi bunyi sepeda menderu, seorang laki-laki bertinggi badan 170-an cm menaiki sepeda motor Honda memarkirkan motornya di halaman rumahku. Wajahnya tidak begitu jelas karena tertutup helm putih dan sebagian wajahnya di tutup dengan sapu tangan. Laki-laki ini malah tenang dengan penampilannya yang membuat kami tidak bisa mengenalinya. Ternyata dia adalah Prasetya a.k.a Yayan Tumena. Jauh-jauh dari Sidoarjo baru pulang kerja langsung merapat ke Malan demi tur de Probolinggo.
Baiknya si Yayan ini yang sempat me-nyamblek sebungkus besar Gery Toya-Toya untuk jadi teman ngumpul malem ini.hehehe..
Sementara jam sudah nyaris menunjukkan pukul 7.15 namun kami masih menunggu satu orang lagi yang boleh dikata adalah dedengkot yang sebenarnya.
Tak lama kemudian datang juga Hisep dan Mihunnya (heehe..)
ahh lengkap pula pada akhirnya, malam ini kami rencanakan untuk mencari kado buat Berizka.

Setelah terjebak konser PeterPan dan berjibaku dengan kereta dorong di Giant
Kami mendapatkan kado yang kami kira pantas dan bermanfaat tentunya, hehe..awalnya banyak sekali wacana-wacana obat kuat, pengaman dan lain semacamnya. Sekitar jam 9.30 Praz-Tri-Andik langsung melahap nasi goreng mawut yang Crunchy (bener ngene tah spelling e?)di seputaran Pulosari. Kisanak Hisep yang mengantar mihunnya pulang kemudian bergabung dengan kami disana.
Malam itu Praz-Tri-Hisep memutuskan menginap dirumahku berhubung sudah larut malam dan sudah terlalu lelah balik ke kost-an. Danang pun menutup malam itu dengan bungkusan kado berwarna hijau yang cukup indah (kamu berbakat buka rumah kado kawan!)
Minggu Pagi (26 April 2009)
Setelah mnegikat kuat kado dijok belakang motor trie rombongan mulai bergerak meninggalkan kota Malang. Lalu lintas tidak terlalu padat namun kehati-hatian dan kewaspadaan masih di butuhkan disini. Kami berkonvoi 4 sepeda sementara mulwaw a.ka Luki dan Yoyok sudah terlebih dahulu meluncur dari arah Sawojajar.


Selama dari arah Malang hingga Purwosari tidak ada kendala berarti selama perjalanan, hanya saja beberapa anggota touring mengaku mengantuk !!!!ayahab deh!dan dibalik tampang-tampang ganteng tersimpan jiwa-jiwa genit dan doyan nampang. Inilah buktinya sambil menunggu mulwaw-yoyok bergabung, rombongan menyempatkan untuk berpose sejenak di dekat SMKN Purwosari (setelah pertigaan maut Purwosari).

Semua Demi Sahabat

.......to be continued

Berdiskusi Rencana Melancong Ke Berizka

Posted by Andik on Rabu, April 22, 2009 , under | komentar (0)

Rabu (22 April 2009) bertempat di Coffeetime UMM, telah terjadi permufakatan antara Andik dengan Hisep yang mana ingin merumuskan rencana melancong ke Probolinggo. Beberapa yang dengan antusiasme tinggi menyatakan ingin ikut antara lain :Andik, Hisep, Praz, Budi dan Mayang. Sayangnya Mayang ini satu-satunya cewek yang menyatakan ketertarikannya untuk ikut acara itu. Sedangkan cewek-cewek lainnya berhalangan. Dari kubu transV yang menyatakan menghadiri acara tersebut antara lain adalah Rozi, Lukman cs. Kubu ini berbeda dengan kubu Andik-Hisep,mereka berangkat minggu pagi (asli ke manten), sedangkan andik-hisep pengennya melancong dulu melihat sunrise di Bromo.

Sekian sekilas info yaaaaa....